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Policy Suspension for STAAR Math
July 10, 2014
The revised math standards were approved by the State Board of Education in 2012. In May, the TEA informed districts of the new standards for the 2014-15 school year. According to the TEA, students in grades 3-8 across the state will be tested on new math standards on the STAAR test. But a passing rate will not be established until the summer of 2015, which means students in grades 5 and 8, who normally have to pass the STAAR test in both reading and math to be promoted will not have a math result. It's not going to be a pass or fail. They will simply be taking the test.
Since district policy indicates that students must pass both reading and math STAAR to be promoted, the Board of Trustees approved a suspension of the policy to the math STAAR for the 2014-2015 school year. Students in both 5th and 8th grades will still have to pass reading STAAR in order to be promoted to the next grade. Due to the changes at TEA, the suspension is only necessary for one year.