August 6, 2024: Message from the nurse concerning student medications.
SHAC Meetings and Agendas
The Great Body Shop
Helpful Information from the Nurse:
Medication Administration Form
Food Allergy/Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Wellness School Assessment Tool
Important Sites:
Texas Department of State Health Services
Lavaca County Emergency Management
Region 3 Education Service Center
DSHS Bacterial Meningitis Information-
Misd Policies:
Each year in the United States, emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries. Falls at home and on the playground are a common cause of injury.
Check to make sure that the surfaces under playground equipment are safe, soft, and well-maintained.
Supervise young children at all times around fall hazards, such as stairs and playground equipment.
Use stair gates, which can help keep a busy, active child from taking a dangerous tumble.
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can occur in any sport or recreation activity.
Learn concussion signs and symptoms and what to do if a concussion occurs.
Make sure kids and teens wear the right protective equipment for their sport or recreation activity.
Parents can take many actions to protect their children’s health and safety at home.
Stay smart around the house by following tips on fire prevention, microwave use, and living with pets.
Learn healthy home tips for each room in the house.
Young workers have high job injury rates. Hazards in the workplace, inexperience, and lack of safety training may increase injury risks for young workers.
Know their rights, employer and teen worker responsibilities, and what teens under 18 can’t do.
Kids can use electronic media to embarrass, harass, or threaten their peers. Take steps to prevent, a term that captures all types of violence that occur electronically.
As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by their relationship experiences, including teen dating. Protect your children from teen dating violence. Nearly one in 10 teens reports having been hit or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend at least once over a year’s time.
Bacteria Meningitis Information for Parents:
For more information go to: